3:45 PM

Access Denied pt.1

Posted by Unknown |

How long has it been since you were denied entry t0 a certain place of business because one of the people that you were with wasn't 21 years of age, in fact the youngest is about 2o years and 5 months shy of that magic drinking number. This is something that I haven't encountered in about 20 years, this is definitely a new chapter in urban geriatric mom adventures...

Glenn's brother is visiting from some far off desolate part of the country, where eclectic eateries are few and far between - no seriously, there's only 500 or so people in the town where he lives, anyway he likes to eat at most any place that doesn't resemble an Old Country Buffet or Auntie Joe Bob's Diner etc. so we load up the vehicles with 2 babies, 3 - 40 somethings, a 70,000 year old something (Glenn's Mom) and an 8 year old and head off into one of our favorite parts of town where there are bunches of eclectic eating joints. Arriving at our 1st destination, a small cozy kitschy Mexican eatery, we found it packed with a line out of the door, in the old days we would've parked, taken our place in line, enjoyed ourselves a margarita, or maybe a cool and refreshing beer and waited, not today though,this family wagon train decided to keep moving everyone knowing through osmosis that this wasn't going to be the case today. We park gather the group and trundle off to option #2 some Puerto Rican joint Glenn's been wanting to eat at again (the 1st time was the day Audrey was born it was yummy take out) we arrive out front, the Puerto Rican place is closed for renovations, Ok what now? the amiable baby timeline is ticking down, I chime in let's eat at Matador a fabulously, sexy, Mexican place, with great drinks, lots of red velvet, and a blazing year around indoor fire pit.
That's when it happened Glenn noticed a sign on the front door that read 21& OVER, as if not understanding the words he read them off again....


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