Some days I wish that I existed in one of those fantasy, comic book type of worlds, where I was able to incinerate anyone and/or anything with a quick flick of my brow. Todays villains would definitely be Garbage Mantis (aka the garbage man) and the Recylclor (aka the recycling truck) arch enemies of Moms and peacefully napping babes all over Urbania. It starts out like any other Tue/Thur/Sat/Sun, Muffin wakes up loads up her drool machine, flexes her golden pipes with a few lalala's and dadada's and a couple of really loud yells just to make sure that her voice and my ears are calibrated correctly, I guzzle down the cold coffee swill left in the bottom of yesterdays french press, select the homemade, perfectly pureed, mush du jour for her breakfast, switch on Noggin just in time for Yo Gabba (yea! I LOVE this show), she has her breakfast, she has her bath, she has her independent playtime, as well as playtime with Mom, and then we arrive flawlessly at her 1st afternoon nap, this is the time where I decide whether I should eat a healthy breakfast, shower, or check emails, make appointments, return phone calls etc. - can't do it all.....
all moms know that nap time is super important for growing babies, and mentally drained moms, so when anything interrupts this sacred ritual, and I do mean ANYTHING it is worthy of death, or at the very least severe bodily harm.
I must sign out for now, my services are requested elsewhere.....
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Nice entry. Were you playing your ad layout a little bit ago? What's up with the picture at the top, left of your page? How come coffee is crossed out in your entry? Where did you find the garbage truck photo to use? Things to research...what color placement works best on ads (I printed up the adsense article on that for you). Also, do people click more on ads that do or do not have pictures/images with text? Maybe we need to have a quest for people to follow...people like quests, right? :) How come we can't spell check our comments when commeting on someone elses post?
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